Current Lab Members


Dirk Baumjohann

Principal Investigator

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Dirk holds a Diploma degree in Molecular Medicine from FAU Erlangen. He performed his Ph.D. work with Federica Sallusto at the IRB in Bellinzona, Switzerland. Dirk then joined Mark Ansel’s lab at UCSF for his postdoc. Before being appointed W2 Professor for Autoimmunity at the Medical Clinic III of the UKB and the University of Bonn Cluster of Excellence ImmunoSensation, he was a DFG-funded Emmy Noether Research Group Leader at LMU Munich.


Luisa Bach

Ph.D. Student

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After Luisa completed her Master’s degree in Biomedicine at Hannover Medical School, she started her Ph.D. in the Baumjohann Lab. As part of the Bonn International Graduate School (BIGS) Immunosciences and Infection she dissects the contribution of DC-derived factors to early Tfh cell differentiation in vivo as well as factors that contribute to the maintenance of established Tfh cells.


Teresa Steffen

Ph.D. Student

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Teresa holds a Master´s degree in Medical Immunosciences and Infection from the University of Bonn. As part of the Bonn International Graduate School (BIGS) Immunosciences and Infection, she is working in the Baumjohann Lab on the differentiation and function of Tfh and Tfh-like cells in cancer and cancer immunotherapy.


Maximilian Moll

Ph.D. Student

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Maxi completed his M.Sc. degree in Medical Immunosciences and Infection at the University of Bonn. As part of his Master’s thesis in the Baumjohann Lab, he investigated the humoral immune response to a novel nanovesicle-based vaccine platform. He is now continuing studying human CD4+ T cell responses.


Anna Schaab

M.D. Student

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Anna studies Human Medicine at the University of Bonn. During a semester abroad in Costa Rica, she also took science and environmental policy classes, besides medical classes. She has always been interested in science and research. As part of her M.D. thesis work in the Baumjohann Lab, she is investigating T cells in cancer patients.


Binta Mende

M.D. Student

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Binta studies Human Medicine at the University of Bonn. As part of her M.D. thesis work in the Baumjohann Lab, she is investigating adaptive immune cells in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).


Olin Arteaga Transito

M.Sc. Student

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After completing her bachelor degree in Molecular Biology in Mexico, Olin started her M.Sc. in Medical Immunosciences and Infection at the University of Bonn. She is currently working on her Master’s thesis in the Baumjohann Lab, focusing on Tfr cells.


Anna-Frederike Schulte-Huermann

M.Sc. Student

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After Rike completed her Bachelor‘s degree in Biology, she started her M. Sc. in Immunobiology at the University of Bonn. She is currently working on her Master‘s thesis in the Baumjohann Lab, focusing on the analysis of germinal centers in human tonsils.


Jennifer-Christin Becker

Lab Technician

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After successfully completing her training as a biology laboratory technician at the UKB, Jenny started her job as lab technician in the Baumjohann Lab in summer 2020. She initially helped setting up the new lab and now takes over the daily routine lab work as well as large parts of the lab management.  

Past Lab Members

Angelika Schmidt

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Postdoc (Lab Publications)

Yinshui Chang

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Ph.D. Student (Lab Publications)

Nicolás Gutiérrez-Melo

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Ph.D. Student (Lab Publications)

Johanna Huber

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Ph.D. Student (Lab Publications)

Dominik Alterauge

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Ph.D. Student (Lab Publications)

Julia Zeiträg (née Maul)

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Ph.D. Student (Lab Publications)

Julia Niemietz

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M.Sc. Student (Lab Publications)

Frank Dahlström

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Lab Technician (Lab Publications)